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Lactation Visits

Visits at any stage in the breastfeeding journey to help with issues

At client's home

After birth, it is very common for breastfeeding issues to occur because you and your baby are new at this! It is also possible for doubts to arise after you have been successfully feeding for some weeks. And you may also need lactation help with weaning baby off the breast, because, for example, maybe you need to return to work or will be otherwise separated from eachother for whatever reason, for periods of time. For these reasons, we offer home visits in Madrid with a specialised midwife to: Assess latch/technique/tongue tie/engorgement/positioning/advise on weaning off breastfeeding etc, troubleshoot, support, and answer questions on any aspect of feeding. DURATION: The visit lasts around 60 - 90 minutes, however times may vary. Usually in the first visit around 90 minutes is needed, while subsequent visits are typically closer to 60 minutes. SERVICE DELIVERY: Visits are performed by a qualified midwife, specialised in lactation support, in your home. Visits are available in Madrid only. FEE: 1st Visit: €139 (approx 90 minute duration) Subsequent Visits: €109 (approx 60 minute duration) If you have private healthcare, this service may be eligible for reimbursement. Check with insurer before booking and advise us so we may provide an appropriate invoice. FOLLOW UP SUPPORT All visits include follow up WhatsApp support to assess how you are doing, make further recommendations, and schedule a further visit if necessary. BOOK HERE: Contact us via: +34611435285

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Madrid, Spain

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